Mentoring: Students and Projects
Graduates (co-mentoring)
Alex Jacquesson - 2022, "Flaring blazars at high energy"
Gaetan Fichet De Clairfontaine - 2018-2021, Study of ejecta propagation and emissions through stationary shocks in AGN jets
Caitlin Johnson - 2016-2018, Development of an MCMC method to fit blazars'broadband spectra models
Cedric Perenne - 2015, "Modeling the variability of active galactic nuclei"
Sofia Franck - 2023-2024 (Senior Thesis), "Modeling the evolution and propagation of the blazars high-energy zones"
Received Thesis Honors
Sarah Youngquist - 2021-2022 (Foothill College Micro Internship), "Modeling Blazar SEDs using MCMC"
Keaton Ferguson - 2021, "Fermi analysis for EBL studies"
Will Ryan - 2018-2021, "Multiwavelength variability analysis of the blazar Mrk 421"
Recipient of the UCSC "Ron Ruby Award"
Cameron Clark - 2018, Simulating the performances of the prototype Schwarschild-Couder Telescope (pSCT)
High-School students
Alexander Boesh, Adam Egbariya, Anya Khotari (UCSC Science Internship Program) - 2023, "Automating a multiwavelength analysis of the blazar Mrk 421"
Aaron Danen, Rick Li, Arnav Swaroop (UCSC Science Internship Program) - 2022 (& 2023 for Aaron and Adam), "Automating a multiwavelength analysis of the blazar Mrk 421"
Yashika Batra, Jewon Im, Nathan Nguyen (UCSC Science Internship Program) - 2020-2021, "Gamma-Ray Analysis of the Most Energetic Blazars to Probe the Cosmos"
Publication in the Columbia Junior Science Journal (CJSJ, 2020)
Ryan Hsu, Cindy Wang (UCSC Science Internship Program) - 2018-2019, "Gamma-Ray Analysis of the Most Energetic Blazars to Probe the Cosmos"
Cindy Wang was named a top 300 scholar in the "78th Regeneron Science Talent Search"
Pranati Modomudi - 2017-2018, "X-Ray Variability Study of the Blazar Mrk 421 towards Multiple Particle Acceleration Zones"
Awarded 2nd place for the "2018 National Young Astronomer Award"
2022 - now: Lecturer
Introduction to Scientific Computing [ASTR-119] (Python, UCSC, undergrad, 1 quarter)
Astrophysics Advanced Laboratory [PHYS-135] (UCSC, undergrad, 2 quarters)
Advanced Astronomy Laboratory [ASTR-136] (UCSC, undergrad, 2 quarters)
2015 - 2016: Research and Teaching Assistant
Astronomy and celestial mechanics (Paris Observatory, online, high school to undergrad)
Explore and understand the Universe (Paris Observatory, online, high school to undergrad)
Windows on the Universe (Paris Observatory, online, undergrad to grad)
2013 - 2015: Graduate Teaching Assistant
Scientific computing (C#, Paris Observatory, grad)
Windows on the Universe (Paris Observatory, online, undergrad to grad)
Astrophysics education for high school teachers (Paris Observatory, outreach)